Research on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in China

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaodmangrady
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Objective To review the history and recent development of research on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in China. Data sources Both Chinese and English literatures were searched in MEDLINE/CD ROM (1979 – 2006) and the Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk (1979 – 2006). Study selection Published articles about ADPKD from mainland of China were selected. Data were mainly extracted from 58 articles which are listed in the reference section of this review. Results Some preliminary reports on cyst decompression surgeries and mutation analysis represent the contribution to the ADPKD research from China in the history. A serial of basic research and clinical studies on ADPKD in recent years also have been summarized. A technique platform for ADPKD research was firstly established. The genomics/proteomics/bioinformatics approach was introduced, which provide a lot of valuable information for understanding the pathogenesis. By denature high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) technique the entire PKD1 and PKD2 gene sequence screening system for Chinese Han population has been successfully established. Based on the characteristic data of Chinese patients, an integrated therapy protocol was put forward and won an advantage over the traditional therapy. Some novel experimental studies on therapy also were encouraging. Conclusions Remarkable progress of ADPKD research in China have been made recently. Still many works, including the government support, international collaboration and active participation of more Chinese nephrologists, should be enhanced to advance this process in the near future. Objective To review the history and recent development of research on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in China. Data sources Both Chinese and English literatures were searched in MEDLINE / CD ROM (1979-2006) and the Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk (1979 - 2006). Study were published in 58 articles which are listed in the reference section of this review. Results Some preliminary reports on cyst decompression surgeries and mutation analysis represent the contribution to the ADPKD research from China in the history. A serial of basic research and clinical studies on ADPKD in recent years also have been summarized. A technique platform for ADPKD research was established. The genomics / proteomics / bioinformatics approach was introduced, which provide a lot of valuable information for understanding the pathogenesis. By denature high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) technique the entire PKD1 and PKD2 gene sequence screening system for Chinese Han population has been established established. Based on the characteristic data of Chinese patients, an integrated therapy protocol was put forward and won an advantage over the traditional therapy. studies on therapy also were encouraging. Conclusions Remarkable progress of ADPKD research in China have been made recently. Still many works, including the government support, international collaboration and active participation of more Chinese nephrologists, should be enhanced to advance this process in the near future .
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