蚯蚓真的会叫吗? 在初夏或初秋季节里,到了晚上经常会从泥土里传来“吱吱”的叫声。有人说这是蚯蚓的叫声。蚯蚓真的会叫吗?其实,蚯蚓没有发声器官,因此也就根本不会叫唤。这大概是泥土里的蝼蛄在作怪吧。为什么有人认为这是蚯蚓的叫声呢?其中的重要原因之一,在日本的江户时代出版的一部著名的百科辞典《和汉三才图会》中,关于蝼蛄的鸣叫曾写道“其叫声犹如蚯蚓”。问题大概就出在这里。
Will the earthworm really call? In the early summer or early autumn season, often “creak” sounds are heard from the soil at night. Some people say this is earthworm's call. Will earthworms really call? In fact, earthworms do not have sound organs, so they will not be called at all. This is probably the dirt in the mud at the trouble. Why do some people think this is the voice of earthworms? One of the important reasons is that in Japan's Edo period published a well-known encyclopedia “and Han Sancai will be” on tweeted tweets wrote “its Calling like earthworms. ” The problem is probably out here.