郭涛 “堂吉诃德”让人疯魔

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接连主演了《疯狂的石头》、《大电影2.0之两个傻瓜的荒唐事》等喜剧,新片《魔侠传之唐吉可德》也充满了搞笑意味,谐星的定位已经很难让观众想起10年前的他还主演过孟京辉导演的先锋话剧《恋爱的犀牛》。他身上诗人一般的气质、角色“马路”对于理想的坚持,加之其略带神经质的表演,都使我们更愿意相信,他成为喜剧演员是一场美丽的意外。去年年中,记者在《成都我爱你》的发布会专访了郭涛。在那家由音乐人李泉开设的酒吧角落,我们面对面坐着,畅聊话剧与电影。而一年后再次相见,则是因3D新片《魔侠传之唐吉可德》来上海宣传的机缘,身为男主角唐吉可德的扮演者,郭涛身着黑色修身西服,看起来反倒比一年前要更年轻一些。但是甫一开口,滔滔不绝的说话风格还是没有丝毫改变。刚刚抽离了话剧版《堂吉诃德》,郭涛紧接着就在《魔侠传之唐吉可德》再次饰演这一经典的文学形象。话剧和电影同是改编自塞万提斯的名著,最大的区别在于话剧版力图真实地还原西班牙当时的风情风貌,而电影则以3D的形式再造了一个充满中国风情的魔幻时代。应该说,任何一部改编作品都是片断式的,而郭涛作为一枚串联起两则片断的钥匙,得以完美呈现一位永远前进的堂吉诃德。 A series of comedians such as “Crazy Stone” and “The Absurdity of Two Fools in Big Movie 2.0” and other comedies, the new film “Tang Ji Ke De Man of the Troll” is also full of funny means that the positioning of the Harmonica has been very difficult for the audience Remembered 10 years ago, he also starred Meng Jinghui director’s pioneer drama “Rhinos in love.” His poet-like temperament, character “Road ” for the ideal of insistence, combined with its slightly neurotic performances, make us more willing to believe that he became a comedian is a beautiful accident. In mid-last year, the reporter interviewed Guo Tao at a conference called “Chengdu I Love You.” At the corner of the bar, which was opened by musician Li Quan, we sat across from each other and talked about dramas and movies. And meet again after one year, it is because of 3D new film “The Legend of the devil of Tang Ji Ke De” to the Shanghai publicity opportunities, as a actor Donji Kede actor, Guo Tao dressed in black self-cultivation suits, it seems Rather than younger than a year ago. However, as soon as I spoke, the endless style of speaking did not change the slightest. Just pulled out of the drama version of “Don Quixote”, Guo Tao followed in the “devil of the Tang Ji Ke De” once again play this classic literary image. Drama and movies are adapted from Cervantes’s masterpiece, the biggest difference is that the dramatic version of trying to truly restore the Spanish style at the time, while the movie in the form of 3D to recreate a magical era full of Chinese style. It should be said that any one adaptation works are piecemeal, and Guo Tao as a key to the two pieces together in series, to be a perfect show Don Quixote forever.
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