
来源 :医学科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trittt
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目的:为配合全国第二次0~14岁儿童哮喘流行病学调查,掌握成都市儿童哮喘的患病率、发病规律及影响因素。方法:采取随机分层、整群、不等比抽样方法。选择成都市区的二个区代表居民区和工业区,分别抽取其中的二个街道办事处的全部0~14岁儿童,先向家长发放问卷初筛表,然后筛选出相关疾病的可疑患者,再经呼吸专科医师统一问诊和查体。所有数据经 SPSS/PC统计软件分析。结果:实际调查人数为10221人,确诊婴幼儿哮喘、儿童哮喘及过敏性咳嗽患儿共443例,累计患病率为4.33%,除去两年以上不发作病例,现患率为3.36%。患儿的性别、年龄、首次发作年龄、呼吸道感染、摄入或吸入过敏原、遗传因素等均与哮喘发病显著相关。哮喘好发季节为秋冬季或换季时,夜间哮喘占39.5%,早期明确诊断及接受正规吸入激素治疗的比例较低。结论:本次调查证实儿童哮喘的患病率明显升高,且早发于婴幼儿期,哮喘发作受诸多因素影响。有关资料为今后群防群治和相关研究提供了依据。 Objective: In line with the second national epidemiological investigation of asthma in children aged 0-14 years, to understand the prevalence, incidence and influencing factors of childhood asthma in Chengdu. Methods: Random stratification, cluster, unequal sampling method. Two districts in Chengdu are selected to represent residential and industrial areas. All children aged 0-14 in two of the sub-district offices are selected. The questionnaire screening table is first distributed to parents and then the suspicious patients with related diseases are screened out. Respiratory specialist by a unified inquiry and physical examination. All data is analyzed by SPSS / PC statistical software. Results: The actual number of people surveyed was 10221, with a total of 443 children diagnosed as infant asthma, children asthma and allergic cough, the cumulative prevalence rate was 4.33%. The prevalence rate was 3.36% except for those who did not attack more than two years. Children’s gender, age, first attack age, respiratory infection, intake or inhalation of allergens, genetic factors are significantly associated with the incidence of asthma. Asthma is a seasonal predilection for autumn, winter or season, with nighttime asthma accounting for 39.5%, with a low rate of early diagnosis and regular inhaled steroid therapy. Conclusion: This survey confirmed the prevalence of asthma in children was significantly increased, and early in infancy, asthma attacks affected by many factors. Relevant data provide the basis for future mass prevention and control and related research.
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