On use of the alpha stable self-similar stochastic process to model aggregated VBR video traffic

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjmaomaoqiu
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The alpha stable self-similar stochastic process has been proved an effective model for high variable data traffic. A deep insight into some special issues and considerations on use of the process to model aggregated VBR video traffic is made. Different methods to estimate stability parameter α and self-similar parameter H are compared. Processes to generate the linear fractional stable noise (LFSN) and the alpha stable random variables are provided. Model construction and the quantitative comparisons with fractional Brown motion (FBM) and real traffic are also examined. Open problems and future directions are also given with thoughtful discussions. The alpha stable self-similar stochastic process has been proved an effective model for high variable data traffic. A deep insight into some special issues and considerations on use of the process to model aggregated VBR video traffic is made. Processes to generate the linear fractional stable noise (LFSN) and the alpha stable random variables are provided. Model construction and the quantitative comparisons with fractional Brown motion (FBM) and real traffic are also examined. Open problems and future directions are also given with thoughtful discussions.
滨藜是藜科滨藜属以嫩茎叶供食用的绿叶菜。学名A-triplex hortensis L。原产中亚细亚,中国新疆、青海、内蒙古有野生。陕西、内蒙古、黑龙江有栽培。形态特性及利用价值 滨藜株高1.5m。多分枝,茎有棱
Known as laser trapping, optical tweezers, with nanometer accuracy and pico-newton precision, plays a pivotal role in single bio-molecule measurements and contr