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散文家袁鹰在论述散文时说“作者对山川景物的种种感受,由此得到的种种启迪、联想、思想感情上的升华,都需要凝聚在足以吸引人、打动人的艺术形象里。”对于这一论述,韩少华的散文《雨的精魂》的构思,是一个很好的注脚。韩少华写《雨的精魂》,是出自一则消息的触动。这则消息报道的是,一位老干部在临终时留下三条遗嘱,即不举行告别仪式,不召开追悼会,遗体献给医学院。韩少华看了以后心情激动不已,就很想写一篇文章来赞美这种无私的共产主义品德,题目就可以叫做《赞彻底的献身精神》。但他觉得这样写只是抽象的呐喊,缺乏形象和情感,不够味道,只好把它暂时放了下来。直到过了相当长的一段时间,他看到了下雪的情景,又一次触动了情思;并经过思索,找到了雪花的滋润万物和老干 When discussing prose, the essayist Yuan Ying said that “the author’s various feelings about mountains and river scenery, and all the enlightenment, association, and the sublimation of his thoughts and feelings needed to be condensed in an artistic image that is attractive enough to impress people.” In this discussion, the idea of ​​Han Shaohua’s prose “The Soul of the Rain” is a good footnote. Han Shaohua wrote “The Soul of the Rain,” which was triggered by a message. The news reported that an old cadre left three wills on his deathbed, that is, he did not hold a farewell ceremony, did not hold a memorial service, and dedicated his body to the medical school. When Han Shaohua looked excited and wanted to write an article to praise this kind of unselfish communist morality, the title could be called “commemorating a thorough dedication.” However, he felt that such writing was only an abstract cry, lacking in image and emotion, not enough taste, and had to temporarily put it down. After a long period of time, he saw the snowing scene and touched the emotions again; and after thinking, he found the nourishment and veteran of the snowflake.
本刊1988年第四期所发表的《素数公式的发现》一文中,引用了这样一道名题: 对于二次三项式n~2-n+p(其中p为素数),当p=72491时,n=0,1,2,…,11000时,其值全为素数。该题实际上
本栏目3首诗是从“首届中华杏林诗会”征稿中选编的。欢迎广大读者继续给诗会投稿,同时也欢迎大家撰写各种体载的文学佳作,繁华杏林文坛。 The 3 poems in this column are
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使用迭加原理必须是针对同种性质的物理量而言。满足迭加原理的系统是线性系统,不满足的为非线性系统。在中学物理中 The use of the superposition principle must be for