首都音像界座谈《音像制品管理条例》 为繁荣音像事业提供可靠保证

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国务院颁发的《音像制品管理条例》,在我国音像界引起极大关注,大家对这个将于10月1日起正式实施的管理条例报以热切的希望,认为它对消除目前音像市场的某些混乱状况,进一步加强知识产权的保护,促进我国音像事业及整个文化事业的健康繁荣发展,具有重要意义和积极有效的作用。 中国音像协会9月23日举行座谈会,听取音像出版、发行、复制单位的代表对这个条例实施的意见和建议。中国音像协会会长刘国雄说,我们的音像市场几年来出现很多问题,一个重要的原因是我们的管理体制不适应经济体制的转变。这次颁发的条例,可以说为我们在社会主义市场经济体制下规范音像市场提供了依据。他希望从事音像制作、出版、复制、 The Audiovisual Products Management Regulations promulgated by the State Council have drawn great attention in the audiovisual industry in China. We all look forward with great enthusiasm to the administrative regulations that will be put into effect on October 1, saying that it is certain to eliminate some of the current audiovisual markets Chaos, and further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and promote the sound and prosperous development of the audiovisual undertaking and cultural undertakings in our country, it is of great significance and a positive and effective role. China Audio-Video Association held a forum on September 23 to listen to the opinions and suggestions of representatives of audio-visual publishing, distribution and reproduction units on the implementation of this regulation. Liu Guoxiong, president of China Audiovisual Association, said that one of the important reasons for our audiovisual market in recent years is that our management system does not adapt to changes in the economic system. The ordinance promulgated this time can be said to provide the basis for regulating the audio-visual market under the socialist market economic system. He hopes to engage in audiovisual production, publishing, copying,
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