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<正> 淳朴宽厚,长者风范,对同志情同手足,对真理孜孜不倦地追求,这是与罗荣桓同志接触过的同志对他的共同感受。我在罗荣桓同志身边工作多年,深深感到,他不仅是我党我军一位具有远见卓识、经验丰富的政治家,而且还是一位高瞻远瞩、机动灵活的军事家。早在抗日战争时期,罗荣桓同志就担任了山东军区司令员兼政治委员、山东分局书记,对山东我军和根据地的发展壮大,做出过突出的贡献。本文专就罗荣桓同志在山东抗日时期的军事指挥艺术谈些个人的看法。
In recent years,water pollution has become increasingly serious in China.Meanwhile,decrease of water bodies in quality,frequent pollution incidents,safety of dr
[Objective]The research aimed to study the best spatial interpolation method of the meteorological factor in Northeast China.[Method] Based on geostatistical an
Selecting Chaoying small watershed with representative karst rocky desertification in the Bijie test area of Guizhou Province as an example,according to karst r
Through analyzing statistically metrological observation data from 1971 to 2010 and pasture data from 1983 to 2012 at 6 animal husbandry meteorological testing
<正> 指谪公孙龙哲学是唯心主义的,主要是从其《指物论》入手的。有些论者误解“指”、“物”之义;割裂“物莫非指,而指非指”这一统一而不可分割的完整主题,迳直把“指”解释为“意识”或“概念”,进而把“物莫非指”说成为“万物没有不是意识或概念的显现”,从而定公孙龙的哲学为唯心主义。
[Objective] The research aimed to estimate NPP in west Changbai Mountain in 1999 and 2001.[Method] Based on Landsat TM data,by using remote sensing model,NPP es
[Objective]The research aimed to analyze precipitation change and agricultural drought and flood degrees during crop growth season in Binzhou.[Method]Based on m