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近几年,供销社在开放办社的过程中,与其他经济组织和个人合资兴办了许多企业。在合资企业中,有些是供销社绝对控股或相对控股的企业,供销社对这些企业的财务和经营政策具有决定权,合资企业能够在最大的限度内实现供销社的经济利益;但是,还有些是参股(没有绝对或相对控股的投资)合资兴办的企业,供销社在这些企业中投资少,没有财务和经营政策的决定权,企业一般很难按照供销社的意志经营,供销社参股资本能否实现效益最大化,能否保值增值是一个必须尽快解决的课题。本文根据我社参股企业的运行情况,就供销社参股资本保值增值的主要方法谈谈个人的想法。 In recent years, the supply and marketing cooperatives have set up a number of joint ventures with other economic organizations and individuals in the process of opening offices. Among the joint ventures, some are absolutely controlled or relatively controlled by the supply and marketing cooperatives. The supply and marketing cooperatives have the power over the financial and operating policies of these enterprises, and the joint ventures can realize the economic benefits of the supply and marketing cooperatives to the maximum extent. However, some Is a joint venture (no absolute or relative holding investment) to set up joint ventures, supply and marketing cooperatives in these enterprises to invest less, there is no financial and management decision-making power, businesses generally difficult to operate in accordance with the will of supply and marketing cooperatives, supply and marketing cooperatives can capital Whether to realize the maximization of benefits, whether it is possible to preserve and increase value is a subject that must be solved as soon as possible. This article based on the operation of our shareholding companies to talk about the personal ideas of the main methods of preserving the added value of equity capital of the supply and marketing cooperatives.
目的:评价血清甲胎蛋白(alpha fetoprotein,AFP)含量变化和寄生血管存在对中晚期肝癌经导管动脉化疗栓塞术(transarterial chemoembolization,TACE)治疗的影响.方法:临床上病
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In recent yea rs, Chinese oil painters ha ve crea ted exq u i si t e paintings in var i ou s styles. Among these, Yan Zhenduo’s wor k s— p o rtr aits and la n
在拉萨医训队1953年,西藏军区卫生处在拉萨组织了医训队药训班学习,我当时担任药材统计课教学,这是药训班结业时卫生处教学人员与部分学员合影。(前排左一为笔者) Medical t