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一、前言现在国内外在金属中气体(氮、氢、氧)分析中采用多种形式的测定仪器和分析方法。由于使用仪器的条件和标校方法的不同,造成分析数据紊乱,给正确应用分析结果判断材料性能带来困难。为了能统一不同分析方法和仪 I. Introduction Nowadays, many kinds of measuring instruments and analytical methods are used in the analysis of metal gas (nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen) in the world. Due to the different conditions of using the instrument and calibration methods, the analysis data is disorderly, which makes it difficult to judge the material properties correctly by using the analysis results. In order to unify different analysis methods and instruments
本实验采用加氢汽油(简称油)作为溶剂,以五九酸三氯化钼(简称C_5 _9Mo)作主催化剂,以(i-Bu)_2AlOEt(简称ABO)作为助催化剂,研究了9种添加剂对丁二烯(简称丁)聚合活性,聚合物
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本文以实际工程的隧道施工为例,介绍小净距隧道关键工序的施工技术要点。 In this paper, the actual construction of the tunnel construction as an example, introduces
2007年1月20日,杭州体育馆内外人头攒动,鼓鸣狮跃,热闹非凡。由中国篮协主办、杭州市篮协承办的“2007年‘贺龙杯’中国业余篮球公开赛(简称 CBO)开幕式暨杭州赛区启动式”
美刊《地震情报通报》1978年10卷3期登载了题为《圣安德烈斯断层上地震发生的重复率如何?》的文章,作者为美国地质调查局的华莱士(R.E.Wallace),摘译如下: The American Jou
Alongside the newly finished long dikes on the seaside harbor, one can see bright aili Tower and other high buildings. The products of Haikou Canned Food Factor