
来源 :四川教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spredsheng
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我们在集体钻研“前途”一课时,首先采取大鸣大放大争大辩,谈出自己对前途的看法。有的认为,搞平凡工作意义不大,要给祖国人民搞出一番轰轰烈烈的奇迹,受到人民的尊重,这样才叫有前途;有的认为,应根据自己的才能到适当的岗位上去工作才能发挥自己的光和热;有的说,邮递员整天背着邮包跑大街小巷,用不着多少文化,文化高的人到适当的岗位上去工作,对祖国的贡献更大些……针对这些思想,进行了一场热烈的辩论,对追求名利,轻视平凡劳动,不从国家需要出发的资产阶级思想进行了批判。但是对作投递员工作究竟有无前途,只是口服心不 When we are collectively studying “a lesson in the future”, we should first take a big talk and a big debate and debate our own opinions on the future. Some people think it is not meaningful for us to carry out extraordinary tasks. We must give the people of the motherland a spectacular miracle and be respected by the people so as to have a promising future. Some people think that we should work according to our own talents to the right posts Some say that postman carrying mail packets running the streets all day long, do not need a lot of culture, high culture to the appropriate posts to work on the contribution to the motherland more ... ... for these ideas , Conducted a lively debate on the pursuit of fame and fortune, contempt for ordinary labor, not from the national needs of the bourgeois ideological criticism. But whether there is any future for the courier job is just an oral mind
Adic公司推出的这一款Fa-ststor 22自动磁带机,是一款以Quantum DLT磁带机为核心的自动磁带机。它的特色在于可以同时安装22个磁带盒,设备可以自动进行更换磁带的工作。这一