Underground mining safety, first of all depends on the design of roof management parameters to meet the actual conditions of exploitation. This is particularly important when mining difficult-to-manage roof seams, typically represented by the Kombanovsky seam at the “Butovskaya” mine in the North Zizi-Bass Coal Production Complex. Here, in each mining area, usually met the pressure area, it is located in the range of 40 ~ 60m away from the cut, and occurred at the time of initial caving. In order to improve the safety of the mining work in the above areas, the IIMK stent was replaced by P_ (H · C = 0.4 MPo) with 1M unit MFM (P_ (H · C) 0.28 MPa) , And using the method of drilling blasting to force roofing.However, the above measures can not improve the conditions of the fully mechanized mining unit during the initial caving period.