
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzp901124
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根据2011年~2013年南海北部进行的海洋捕捞生产调查数据,对台风“启德”过境后,粤西渔场(20.5°N~21.5°N,110.5°E~111°E)底拖网渔获率和渔获物组成变化进行分析。结果表明:(1)台风后第1周,周平均渔获率增加为台风前1周周平均渔获率的1.34倍,于第2周恢复到台风前水平;(2)台风后,主要种类由台风前的沙丁鱼类增加为沙丁鱼类和鲻梭鱼,另外,与台风前相比,新出现的种类为鲐鱼和梅童鱼,台风后未有捕获的种类有黄鲫、乌贼和叫姑鱼;(3)台风后,鲻梭鱼、带鱼和鱿鱼在总渔获中的比重分别增加为台风前的1.85倍、2.4倍和6.48倍,沙丁鱼类、虾类、龙头鱼、马鲛鱼、小黄鱼、鲳鱼和蟹类在总渔获中的比重分别减少了24.69%、0.56%、0.36%、0.2%、0.15%、0.04%和0.03%;(4)台风后鱼类丰富度指数减小0.04,多样性指数和均匀性指数分别增加0.12和0.04;(5)台风“启德”过后,研究区群落结构恢复期在1个月以上。 According to the survey data of marine fishing production conducted in the northern part of South China Sea from 2011 to 2013, after the passage of typhoon Kai Tak, the bottom trawl fishing at the fishing grounds of Guangdong Province (20.5 ° N ~ 21.5 ° N, 110.5 ° E ~ 111 ° E) Rate of return and changes in the composition of the catch. The results showed as follows: (1) In the first week after the typhoon, the average weekly catch rate increased to 1.34 times of the average catch rate in the first week before the typhoon and returned to the pre-typhoon level in the second week; (2) After the typhoon, Sardines and crayfish increased from pre-typhoon sardines. In addition, the species newly appeared were prey and pomfret as compared with those before the typhoon. Species that were not captured after the typhoon were yellow crucian carp, squid and squid ; (3) After typhoon, the proportion of cichlids, octopus and squid in the total catch increased to 1.85 times, 2.4 times and 6.48 times respectively before the typhoon. Sardines, shrimp, taproot, mackerel, small yellow croaker , The proportion of catfish and crab in the total catch decreased by 24.69%, 0.56%, 0.36%, 0.2%, 0.15%, 0.04% and 0.03% respectively; (4) The fish abundance index decreased by 0.04 , And the diversity index and evenness index increased by 0.12 and 0.04 respectively. (5) After the typhoon “Kai Tak”, the recovery period of community structure in the study area was more than one month.
静态体系生成甲烷水合物是个缓慢的、不完全的过程。即使使用表面活性剂也不能实现反应物的1 0 0 %转化。本文讨论了在静态反应停止后,使用系统温度振荡的方法来促进水合反应
采用室温固相反应法合成出H3 CoPMo1 0 V2 O40 ·7H2 O纳米催化剂,用元素分析、IR、XRD、TEM等手段确定其组成、结构和性能,同时考察了其用于苯 过氧化氢直接羟化合成苯酚反
以Rh(OAc) 2 为催化剂,以钠、锌和铵的磷酸盐以及钠的磷钼酸盐和磷钨酸盐作为添加剂,在催化甲醇羰基化制乙酸的反应中系统考察了不同添加剂对反应的影响。实验表明,加入添加
为了解曹妃甸工业区围填海工程开发对近岸沉积物重金属污染状况,对2004年~2011年8 a间4个航次的沉积物中5种重金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd和Hg)的含量进行了研究,并分别采用地质累积