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身材颀长,文质彬彬,风度翩翩,西装革履,形象气质都颇像《上海滩》里的许文强。然而,一副儒商形象的吴永红却是地地道道的色魔:一般女人已经难以满足他邪恶的欲望,便频频向未成年人下手。经公安机关查实,他强奸的未成年少女就有39人。知情人士说,人数其实远远不止。 他是如此神秘。 论出身,一介平民子弟,父辈并非显赫人士,家族没有背景。论学历,原只是毕业于当地的师范专科。论资历,大专毕业后,做过几年中学教师,又当了多年律师。但是,几年之间,这个当年骑着摩托车满街跑的小律师突然成了身家几十亿的证券大亨,控制着多家上市公司。 他的强奸案败露后,协助其强奸的10个同案犯一一落网并被判刑,而他却安然逃脱,跑到境外。逃亡过程中,居然还能遥控几家上市公司。据说他已整容,在逃30个月中曾几次出入国境。 据报道,吴永红已于今年6月被深圳警方拘捕。一个商界大鳄,犯下如此大罪,但媒体有关报道寥寥无几。吴永红到底是怎样一个人?他是如何发迹的?他是怎样走向犯罪深渊的?本刊记者前往福建,通过艰难的采访,试图揭开吴永红神秘的面纱。让我们备感神秘的是,尽管他已经罪恶昭彰,在劫难逃,但却有一种神秘的力量,或明或暗地抵制媒体对他追根究底,这种神秘的力量来自何方? Long body, gentle, elegant, suits and ties, the image of temperament are quite like “Shanghai Beach” in Xu Wenqiang. However, Wu Yong-hong, a Confucian merchant, is an out-and-out demons: the average woman has been difficult to meet his evil desires, then frequently to minors. The public security organ verified that there were 39 teenage girls raped. Informed sources said that the number is actually far more than that. He is so mysterious On the origin, a civilian children, fathers are not prominent people, the family has no background. On academic qualifications, the original just graduated from the local normal college. On qualifications, after graduating from college, has done a few years of secondary school teachers, and when for many years lawyers. However, a few years later, the little lawyer who was riding a motorbike all over the street suddenly became a stock tycoon with billions of dollars and controlled a number of listed companies. After his rape was revealed, 10 accomplices assisting him in rape were arrested and sentenced, while he escaped safely and ran outside. Runaway process, actually still remote control several listed companies. He is said to have been plasticine and have been on several occasions during the 30 months in flight. It is reported that Wu Yonghong was arrested by the Shenzhen police in June this year. A business predators, committed such a crime, but few media reports. Wu Yonghong in the end is how a person? How he was fortunate? How he came to the abyss of crime? Correspondents to Fujian, through a difficult interview, trying to uncover the mysterious veil of Wu Yonghong. What makes us mysterious is that even though he has already been guilty of evil and is having a hard time fleeing, there is a mysterious force that explicitly or implicitly resists the media’s investigation into him. Where does this mysterious force come from?
印度和美国科学家的一项研究表明,亚洲南部千家万户升起的炊烟也许正在悄悄改变那里的气候。研究人员在美国《科学》杂志报告上说,南亚地区大气中的煤烟有42% A study by In