
来源 :中国沼气 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zouyuefu
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《中国沼气》1985年第1期刊登的徐洁泉同志的“对缩减沼气池死气箱增加有效池容的意见”中指出,现在设计的沼气池,为了避免异物进入并堵塞导气管,留了占池容15%的死气箱。一个10m~3沼气池就浪费池容1.5m~3,大批水压式沼气池结合起来,这个浪费就是一个惊人的数字。为了克服沼气池存在死气箱的问题,我对导气管进行了改革,用无底酒瓶代替导气管,实现了沼气池满装料。具体做法如下: 选一个能盛0.5公斤以上的酒瓶,在接近瓶底部位绕上棉线,棉线上浸上煤油或汽油、柴油,点燃棉线,待油基本烧完,将瓶浸入冷水中,瓶底脱落,得到无底瓶子,在浇筑沼气池顶盖时,将无底瓶浇在池盖上,与池内连通.瓶口以上用混凝土做个半球形或圆桶形围圈. Comrade Xu Jiequan, “China Biogas” published in the first issue of 1985, pointed out in his opinion that increasing the effective storage capacity of the methane tank in the dead air box should increase the capacity of the currently designed biogas tank in order to prevent foreign matter from entering and blocking the airway. 15% of the pool of dead air box. A 10m ~ 3 biogas tank wasted a capacity of 1.5m ~ 3, a large number of hydropower digesters combined, this waste is an alarming figure. In order to overcome the problem of the dead gas tank in the biogas digester, I conducted a reform on the gas pipe and replaced the gas pipe with a bottomed wine bottle to realize the full charging of the digester. The specific practices are as follows: Select a can Sheng 0.5 kg above the bottle, near the bottom of the bottle around the cotton thread, cotton thread immersed in kerosene or gasoline, diesel, light cotton, to be basically finished burning oil, the bottle immersed in cold water, bottle Bottom shed, bottomless bottle, pouring biogas tank roof, the bottomless bottle poured in the pool cover, communicating with the pool above the bottle to do with a concrete hemispherical or drum-shaped enclosure.
只想在阳光下化作一只红晴蜓飞进你葱绿的稻田上下左右高高低低翻飞一种情绪只想在风雨中化作一串晶莹的雨点落下你漂亮的屋檐洒洒脱脱 I just want to turn into a red dra
小时候最爱的是玩泥巴,才丁点大的时候,据老妈说,那时我是自个儿学会走路的,跌跌歪歪的扶着木制的婴儿车,歪歪的扶着木制的婴儿车,在大榕树底下来回的走。 When I was a chi
美国加州有位刚毕业的大学生,在2003年的冬季大征兵中他依法被征,即将到最艰苦也是最危险的海军陆战队去服役。 There is a newly graduated college student in California