节能空调蚊帐 改写空调消费市场新格局

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今年3月初春,天气还是如严冬般寒冷,但是一个叫节能空调蚊帐招商项目产品的火爆势头,却令寻找生意项目的人们惊奇兴奋。犹如雨后春笋般突然冒出的十几个空调蚊帐厂商,在28、78等商机网和财经杂志、电视媒体大打广告,昭示着一个前景无限的商机正在到来。 In the early spring of March this year, the weather is still cold like the winter, but the hot momentum of a product called the energy-saving air-conditioner mosquito nets investment project has surprised the people looking for business projects. Just like a dozen air-conditioners and mosquito nets manufacturers who have sprung up all over the world, they advertise advertisements on business networks such as 28,78 and financial magazines and television media. This shows that a promising business opportunity is coming.
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41岁的野口美佳,虽没有读过大学,但凭借着自己的努力与拼搏,白手起家,开创了自己的公司,也激励了年轻一代的日本女性。  日本媒体评价说,野口美佳是一个“从不畏惧表达真实感受的人”。她总是大胆坦率,屡出惊人之语。野口美佳认为,自己的生活比任何她曾经读过的小说或者看过的电影都更加令人激动。    “女人的一生是服饰盛会”    野口美佳从21岁就开始创业。她从来没有上过大学。   她只知道一件重要的事
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