
来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oncecao
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周恩来同志在他的革命一生中,一贯尊重知识、尊重人才。他在半个多世纪革命斗争和建设实践中形成的人才思想和实践,异常丰富、博大精深。现撷取如下几方面精华,供大家认真学习和发扬光大。一、正确对待知识分子的阶级属性问题在知识分子阶级属性的划分上,周恩来总理是坚持用历史唯物主义的观点来分析、考察中国的知识分子问题。他在《关于知识分子问题的报告》中指出:进行社会主义建设“必须依靠体力劳动和脑力劳动的密切合作,依靠工人、农民、知识分子的兄弟联盟”。他还强调指出:“我国从旧社会过来的知识分子,绝大部分已经成为国家工作人员,已经为社会主义服务,已经是工人阶级的一部分。”这不仅在我们党和国家发展的历史上,第一次阐明了我国知识分子在新的历史时期属于劳动阶层的观点,赋予了广大知识分子新的政治生命,而且在理论和实践上也为党的知识分子政策增添了新的内容,为我国社会主义建设事业注入了强大的活力。 In his revolutionary life, Comrade Zhou Enlai has always respected knowledge and talent. His thinking and practice of talents formed in the revolutionary struggles and construction practice in more than half a century are exceptionally rich and profound. Now capture the essence of the following areas for everyone to seriously study and carry forward. I. Correctly Handling the Class Attributes of Intellectuals In dividing the class nature of intellectuals, Premier Zhou Enlai insisted on using historical materialism to analyze and examine the issue of Chinese intellectuals. In his “Report on the Issue of Intellectuals,” he pointed out: For the building of socialism, “we must rely on the close cooperation between manual labor and mental labor and rely on the fraternal alliance of workers, peasants and intellectuals.” He also emphasized: “Most of the intellectuals in our country who have come from the old society have become state workers and have already served socialism and are already part of the working class.” This not only in the history of the development of our party and our country, For the first time elucidated the viewpoint that our country’s intellectuals belonged to the working class in the new historical period and given new political life to the vast majority of intellectuals. In theory and practice, it also added new content to the party’s policy on intellectuals and provided a platform for our country The cause of socialist construction has infused strong vitality.
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