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波西,并不MIA!阿朵詹姆斯·波西(James Posey)放弃“自由之身”,波西不当波西MIA人MIA(Missing In Action)意为战斗中失踪的人。在成功夺得总冠军之后,迈阿密的一干老将的去留问题成为了球迷关注的焦点。詹姆斯·波西,热队的防守大师,在总决赛中与诺维茨基缠斗6场,极大限度地限制了小牛队的这位绝对核心,在这场田忌赛马中扮演了一个极为重要的角色。 Posey, Not MIA! James Posey Quits Freedom, Poseidon MIA Missing In Action means missing people in combat. After successfully won the championship, the veterans of Miami to leave the issue became the focus of fans. James Posey, the Heat’s defensive guru, battled Nowitzki in the Finals for six games, limiting the Mavericks’ absolute core to a great extent and playing an extremely important role in this field-jockey Character.
昆明市滇剧团上演的新 编历史剧《瘦马御 史》,受到了各个方面的好 评。周卫华成功地塑造了刚 直不阿、清正廉洁、机智稳重 的清代名士钱南园的舞台艺 术形象,而一举获得第十六
选秀这个NBA明的词汇,如今已经成为了社会的流行语。在NBA选秀就要开始的此刻,我们来回顾一下历史上的那年,那人,那事。 The draft NBA NBA Ming vocabulary, has now becom
2006年7月12日,美国,2006年ESPY年度卓越体育表现奖颁奖仪式在美国好莱坞柯达剧院举行。“单板神童”Shaun White与罗德曼前妻,卡门·伊莱克特拉(Carmen Electra)颁发最佳运
一九四九年秋季,作者赴山西大同怀仁县附近调查煤田,曾由该县所属之鹅毛口至楼子口间经过,於该煤田东缘部之片麻岩中,见有许多基性包体,甚感有趣,兹记述之,诸希指正。 In t
Since about 1300 the Mansfield copper deposits have been the most produ-ctive copper-field in central Europe (Fig. 2). To give you a quantitative ideaabout ite
Ⅰ.INTRODUCTION In a recent paper published by H.Chu and the writer on the pre-Sinianvolcanic series and associated intrusive rocks,predominantly of acid natur
With 3 Plates. PREFACE From field experience and data accumulated in recent years several short papers on field geology have been written. The present paper em
In April, 1943, the writer had an opportunity to visit the districts of Kianghua and Lanshan in southwestern Hunan. The observed area is structurally an elonga