班克松(Pinus domsiana)是一常绿针树种,原产北美洲,现在加拿大有广泛分布。其特点是抗性强、生长快,主要用作建筑和造纸材料。黑龙江省五常县宝龙店林场,1982年对美国班克松进行了引种试验,基本获得成功。现将班克松引种情况介绍如下: 一、试验地概况宝龙店林场位于长白山系张广财岭西北坡,东经124°44′,北纬44°56′,年平均气温3.5℃,无霜期130天,年降水量600~800毫米,全年太阳辐射总量111.6千卡/平方厘米。试验地较为平坦,土壤为棕色森林土。
Pinus domsiana is an evergreen needle native to North America and is now widely distributed in Canada. It is characterized by strong resistance, fast growth, mainly for construction and paper materials. Baolongdian Forest Farm, Wuchang County, Heilongjiang Province. In 1982, it introduced the introduction of Bankerson to the United States and gained basic success. Introduction of Bankersson is as follows: I. Overview of the experimental site Baolongdian Forest Farm is located on the northwestern slope of Zhang Guang Choi Ling of Changbai Mountain, with longitude 124 ° 44 ’east longitude and latitude 44 ° 56’ north latitude. The annual average temperature is 3.5 ℃, frost-free period is 130 days, Precipitation 600 ~ 800 mm, the annual total solar radiation 111.6 kcal / square centimeter. The test is relatively flat, the soil is brown forest soil.