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改革开放以来,我国的城镇化经历了一个快速发展过程。1978—2013年,城镇常住人口从1.7亿人增加到7.3亿人,城镇化率从17.9%提升到53.7%,城市数量从193个增加到658个,建制镇数量从2173个增加到20113个。城镇化的快速推进,吸纳了大量农村劳动力转移就业,提高了城乡生产要素配置效率,推动了国民经济持续快速发展,带来了社会结构深刻变革,促进了城乡居民生活水平全面提升,取得了巨大成就。但是,与此伴随而来的是耕地面积大幅缩减,青山绿水的消失,乡土文化的流失,环境污染的加剧。例如:“摊大饼”式的城镇化普遍存在,浪费了大量耕地资源;城市管理服务水平不高,“城市病”问题日益突出;自然历史文化遗产保护不力,“建设性”破坏 Since the reform and opening up, China’s urbanization has undergone a rapid development. From 1978 to 2013, the resident population in cities and towns increased from 170 million to 730 million, the urbanization rate increased from 17.9% to 53.7%, the number of cities increased from 193 to 658, and the number of towns under construction increased from 2173 to 20113. The rapid urbanization has absorbed a large number of rural laborers to transfer employment, improved the allocation efficiency of urban and rural productive elements, promoted the sustained and rapid development of the national economy, brought about profound changes in social structure and promoted an overall improvement in the living standards of both urban and rural residents and achieved tremendous achievement. However, accompanied by a drastic reduction of arable land, the disappearance of mountains and rivers, the loss of local culture and the aggravation of environmental pollution. For example, the widespread urbanization of “pie” and wasted a large amount of cultivated land resources; the level of urban management services is not high, the problem of “urban disease” is becoming increasingly prominent; the protection of natural history and cultural heritage is not strong, and “constructive ”damage
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