A Positron Study of Hysteresis Temperature in Ti-Ni Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxuemei123
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For Ti-Ni alloy it is exceedingly difficult to prepare an element that has a desired and defined hysteresis temperature for its preparing process is not pedect at present. Because the mechanism of transformation in Ti-Ni has not been fully clarified, it is far more exceedingly difficult to explain the hysteresis temperature only by using the traditional metal physics techniques., But positron annihilation seems to be a suitable method for it. The positron annihilation measurements showthat the hysteresis temperature may be controlled mainly by the relative fraction of the defectscontained in a two-way shape memory element. For the Ti-Ni alloy it is exceedingly difficult to prepare an element that has a desired and defined hysteresis temperature for its preparing process is not pedect at present. Because the mechanism of transformation in Ti-Ni has not been fully clarified, it is far more exceedingly difficult to explain the hysteresis temperature only by using the traditional metal physics techniques., But positron annihilation seems to be a suitable method for it. The positron annihilation measurements show that the hysteresis temperature may be controlled mainly by the relative fraction of the defectscontained in a two-way shape memory element.
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