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王源是清初“颜李学派”的代表人物之一。他出身遗民家族,幼年受梁以樟、魏禧等遗民的影响,对明清革代感慨良深。平生喜经世之学,擅长古文,好议论古今兴亡之道,批评宋明理学,主张文武兼长。曾参与《明史》修纂,是《明史·兵志》的主要执笔人。后参加科考,但一生穷困,恃才傲物,特立独行,与刘献廷、梁份、戴名世、方苞等人为性命交,死后受戴名世案的牵连。晚年入颜习斋门下,对颜李学派多有贡献。王源是清初一大批同类知识分子中的典型人物,他的学行、交游、著述很能反映当时一批学人彷徨矛盾的复杂心理和基于亡国之痛的学术追求,可以看到清朝前期整个学界的一个侧面。本文以传统的“年谱”形式,广泛搜求有关资料,努力勾画出王源一生的学行、交游等状况,以补清史研究之缺和加深对颜李学派的认识。 Wang Yuan was one of the representative figures in the early Qing Dynasty. His descendants of his descendants of family, childhood by Liang Zhang, Wei Xi and other survivors of the influence of Ming and Qing Dynasties feel good deep generation. Pingshengxiyizhizhixue, good at classical Chinese, so talk about the rise and fall of ancient and modern ways, criticism of Neo-Confucianism, advocating both civil and military. Once involved in the compilation of “Ming History”, is the main author of “Ming Shi Bing Zhi”. After taking part in expeditions, but life impoverished, arrogant pride, maverick, and Liu Xian, Liang Fen, Dai Mingshi, Fang Bao and others for the life and death, implicated by the death of the famous case. In his later years into the study room Zhai Yan, Yan Li School more contribution. Wang Yuan was a typical figure among a large number of similar intellectuals in the early Qing dynasty. His studies, social connections and writings reflected the complex psychology of contradictions of a group of scholars at that time and the academic pursuit based on the pain of extinction. We can see the early Qing Dynasty One aspect of the entire academic community. Based on the traditional “Chronicle ” format, this paper searches for relevant information extensively and endeavors to outline Wang’s life-long academic career and social exchange so as to make up for the lack of historical research and to deepen the understanding of the Yanli School.