
来源 :餐饮世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerrymao
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所有的创业都不例外,它不会因为你是互联网就特别牛,也不会因为你是男性老板就一定能成功。对于企业来说,掌门人不论男女,只有精准掌握了用户需求才会赢。但对于餐饮来说,什么是用户需求?菜品、服务无疑是重头戏。很显然,鉴定一道菜味道的优劣,或者是提供更佳周到、细致的服务,巧妇们似乎更有发言权。长久以来,中国人对便利不便利似乎并不敏感,造成这种原因归根结底是因为穷,大家的时间成本低。然而,随着人们收入的极速提高,中国人的时间成本也快速上升,尤其是餐饮服务业,能不能便利一点,给食客带去满意的服务,成为衡量企业良莠的关键。世上万物,时间最贵,有多少企业老总能像乔布斯一样挖空心思替顾客节约时间?如何面对服务带来的红利?我们特别邀请四位女性企业家,请她们以独特的视角讲述下一个十年,餐饮商机将会在哪里? All startups are no exception. It does not happen because you are an Internet cow, or because you are a male boss. For businesses, the head of both men and women, only accurate grasp of user needs will win. But for catering, what is the user needs? Dishes, services is undoubtedly the highlight. Obviously, the advantages and disadvantages of identifying a dish taste, or to provide better and more thoughtful, meticulous service, clever women seem to have a say. For a long time, the Chinese seem to be insensitive to convenience and inconvenience, which in the final analysis is due to the poor and low cost of time. However, with the rapid increase of people’s income, the time cost of Chinese people has also risen rapidly. In particular, the catering service industry can be convenient and bring satisfactory service to the customers. It is the key to measuring the good and bad of the enterprise. How many business executives save their time for customers like Jobs do? How to deal with the dividends brought by the service? We specially invited four female entrepreneurs to invite them to give a unique perspective on the next decade Catering opportunities will be where?
该品种是由中国农科院作物所培育的优质蛋白玉米新品种,其赖氨酸和色氨酸含量比普通玉米高将近1倍。蛋白质 The breed is a new breed of high-quality protein maize cult
棉 花 棉花是一种重要的天然植物纤维,它原产于热带干燥的草原地区,最初为多年生木本植物,后来逐步引种到亚热带和温带的湿润地区,发展成今天的一年生作物。棉花为锦葵目棉
安全感是在感情中相当重要的一环,你觉得自己能让伴侣安心吗?如果去上瑜珈课,你觉得哪一方面最困难? Security is a very important part of the relationship, do you thin