The incidence of fetal malformations was only 0.9%, in the past that when the excess amniotic fluid fetal malformations high incidence of ultrasound nowadays, in the event of polyhydramnios, it is possible to diagnose fetal malformations in early pregnancy. Fetal abnormalities early diagnosis of ultrasound indications: ① older pregnant women, ② history of abnormal pregnancy, ③ cousins have abnormal fetus, ④ translocation carriers, ⑤ inevitably flow, premature delivery, ⑥ uterus is too large or too small, ⑦ intrauterine fetal growth retardation, ⑧ first dew, fetal position unknown, ⑨ fetal heart sound abnormalities (arrhythmia), ⑩ abnormal fetal movement abnormalities. Fetal deformity: at 9 weeks of pregnancy can be detected as a circular halo fetal head; 14 weeks after pregnancy may appear midline, may be the image of the falx. It is still possible to observe the morphology of the skull and the structure inside the skull (ventricles, parenchyma, sella, etc.) in detail. No brains: should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Take more stretch position, can not see the obvious head images, easy to diagnose. Campbell said after 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to screen children without brains. In the longitudinal section of the skull, frog-shaped head, in the cross section of the midline and ventricle are not clear, you can confirm.