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临笔,恰逢晋中市2016年中考成绩公布——我校最高分694分,第二名690分,650分以上6人(今年我校中考考生共67人)。这样的成绩不免又让农大附属学校的师生们小小激动了一下。山西农大附属学校是一所九年一贯制学校,规模不大,只有两轨,但不管小学部还是初中部都有较高的办学质量。我校的中考成绩近年来在太谷县一直稳居前列,升入高中后学生也有较好的发展。2012年,我校中考 Pro Pen, coincides with the Jinzhong City in the examination results announced in 2016 - our highest score 694 points, second place 690 points, 650 points or more 6 (this year my school a total of 67 candidates). This result can not help but let the teachers and students of the Affiliated School of Nongda a little bit excited. Shanxi Agricultural University Affiliated School is a nine-year system of schools, small, only two tracks, but regardless of primary or secondary schools have a higher quality of running a school. In recent years, our college entrance examination scores have been at the forefront of Taigu County, and after graduating from high school, students also have a good development. In 2012, my school test
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洮南市位于吉林省西北部,属于干旱和半干旱地区,大部分耕地以井灌为主。由于气候干燥土壤湿度小,往往在使用除草剂时,使用量偏大,加之后期大水漫灌或是下大雨就会造成 Taona
今年以来,被誉为我国北方“大粮仓”的黑龙江省各地连续遭受大到暴雪等极端天气的袭击,尤其部分地区刚刚遭遇近50年来的最大一场降雪,农时已被大大延误,预计春播时间将延后10-15天左右,我国北方“大粮仓”面临严峻考验。    农时延后已成定局    黑龙江省气象台台长、高级工程师那济海说,今年4月12日至13日降下的大到暴雪是1961年以来黑龙江最大一场降雪过程,这场最厚处达36厘米的降雪进一步延误了
许多农民在给农作物喷施农药时,或为省力直接把喷雾器放在饮水井旁边进行灌水配药;或把喷施完农药的喷雾器和农药瓶直接在河沟里洗涮,这些做法都是很危险的,对水 Many peasa
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