At the recent performance of the 2nd Drama Modern Drama Conference in Fujian Province, each drama group summed up the experience of performing modern drama in the past two years after the first modern drama in 1956, Performance of modern drama in two years, the result is brilliant. In the various theater groups over the past year and more, they have conducted anti-rightist struggles, heart-hugging movements and rectification campaigns, criticized various bourgeois artistic perspectives in the ranks of the literary and art circles, especially at the party’s general line of building socialism Shining Breaking superstitions and liberating their ideas. At the same time, all the troupes in the province responded enthusiastically to the party’s call at provincial theater troupes and theater conferences held in January this year. Resolutely implement the policy of serving the workers, peasants and soldiers, have performed for the workers, peasants and soldiers in the mountains and countryside, directly took part in productive labor, made friends with workers and peasants, and further transformed their thinking. These are the main reasons for this great performance.