
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ryu_sh
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党的团结是党的生命,是做好工作的重要保证。江泽民同志指出:“党的团结,特别是各级领导班子的团结,是社会稳定、事业发展的决定性环节。”在新的历史时期,作为肩负跨世纪重任的各级领导班子,要圆满地完成国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划以及2010年远景目标的重任,就必须进一步提高增强团结的自觉性,更加珍视团结,维护团结,做顾全大局、加强团结的模范。团结是党的建设和党的事业的基石。我们党之所以取得民主革命的伟大胜利,取得社会主义革命和建设的伟大胜利,最近十几年又取得改革开放和现代化建设举世瞩目的成就,关键是依靠了全党的大团结、党和各族人民的大团结。而十年浩劫,“四人帮”分裂党和国家,阴谋篡党夺取。使党和人民的事业遭 The unity of the party is the life of the party and an important guarantee for doing a good job. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “The unity of the party, especially the unity of the leading bodies at all levels, is a decisive link in social stability and in the development of the cause.” In the new historical period, as the leading bodies at all levels shoulder the task of transcentury century, To accomplish the important task of national economic and social development, the Ninth Five-Year Plan and the long-term goal for 2010, it is necessary to further enhance the consciousness of strengthening unity and attach more importance to unity and safeguarding unity and taking the overall situation into consideration and strengthening the model of solidarity. Solidarity is the cornerstone of party building and the party’s cause. The reason why our party has won the great victory of the democratic revolution and won the great victory of socialist revolution and construction. The key achievements of our party that have made remarkable achievements in reform, opening up, and modernization drive in the past decade or so rely on the great unity of the entire party, the party and the Large unity of ethnic groups. In the midst of a decade of catastrophe, the “gang of four” has split the party and the country and conspired to usurp the party and seize it. Make the cause of the party and people suffer