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退耕还林试点范围不能再扩大。要真正把统一规划的20万公顷抓好,务必要在抓好三个落实上下功夫。首先,面积落实。面积是基础。退耕还林的面积一定要落到实处,我们要求退耕还林首先要从25度以上的陡坡耕地,由高到低,分步骤地退下来。先要建卡,明确所有权、使用权、承包权,谁造谁有。如果面积不落实,今后怎么落到实处?在20万公顷面积的前提下,还有退一还二还三,这个就是很大的潜力。要把还二还三的荒山造林面积落到实处。当然不可能每个村组每户农户都有还二还三,都有那么多荒山。荒山造林由政府统一组织完成,荒山荒坡多,任务就可多安排一点。荒山造林照样给种苗补助,谁造谁有。所以要在完成20万公顷退耕还林试点任务的基础上,把退一还二还三工作落实好。这里,我要特别强调一个问题,就是不准弄虚作假。如果弄虚作假,上对不起中央,下对不起百姓,图虚名得实祸。一定要增加透明度,村务一定要公开,一定要建卡,因为子子孙孙还有一个继承权的问题。树木的生长周期是很长的,以后要有依据。 The scope of the pilot projects of returning farmland to forestry can no longer be expanded. If we really grasp the 200,000 hectares of unified planning, we must make great efforts to do a good job in implementing the three plans. First, the area is implemented. Area is the foundation. The area of ​​returning the grain plots to forestry must be implemented in a down-to-earth manner. We request that the conversion of cropland to forests first be stepped down from steep slopes of cultivated land over 25 degrees from high to low. First to build a card, a clear ownership, use rights, contract rights, who created who. If the area is not fulfilled, how will the project be implemented in the future? With the premise of 200,000 hectares, there will be one or two options but one is still another. This is a great potential. The afforestation area of ​​the barren hills, which is still in second place, should be practiced. Of course, it is impossible for every household in each village group to have two, three, three, so many barren hills. Barren hills afforestation completed by the government unified organization, more barren hills and slopes, the task can arrange more. Afforestation barren hills or seed subsidies, who created who. Therefore, on the basis of completing the pilot project of returning 200 million hectares of farmland to forest, the work of returning one country to another and returning the third to the third is implemented. Here, I would like to emphasize one issue that I am not allowed to resort to fraud. If you resort to fraud, I am sorry I am sorry, I am sorry. Must increase transparency, village affairs must be open, we must build a card, because the children and grandchildren have a succession issue. The growth cycle of trees is very long, there must be a basis for the future.
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