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随着北京市住宅建设的发展和住宅设计审查工作的加强,北京市的住宅设计水平有了很大提高,在建设部1998年举行的“迈向21世纪的中国住宅设计竞赛”中取得了优异成绩,位居参赛各省市之首。但与此同时北京市的住宅建设和设计随着住宅市场的发展也暴露出了不少问题,其中关于住宅的层高设计和公寓与住宅的关系两个问题尤为突出。为此首都规划建设委员会办公室组织建设部和北京市的住宅专家会同市计委、房地局、规划局、消防局等政府有关部门针对住宅建设中近期反映较强烈的问题举行了研讨会,本文拟结合专家意见和北京建设实际就住宅的层高设计和公寓与住宅的 With the development of residential construction in Beijing and the strengthening of the review of residential design, the level of residential design in Beijing has greatly improved. It has achieved excellent results in the “China Residential Design Competition for the 21st Century” that was held in 1998 by the Ministry of Construction. The score ranks first among participating provinces and cities. At the same time, however, Beijing’s housing construction and design have also exposed many problems with the development of the residential market. Among them, two issues concerning floor height design and the relationship between apartments and residences are particularly prominent. For this reason, the Office of the Capital Planning and Construction Committee organized the Ministry of Construction and the residential experts in Beijing to hold seminars with the relevant government departments such as the Municipal Planning Commission, Housing and Land Bureau, the Planning Bureau, and the Fire Bureau in response to the recent and more intense issues in the housing construction. It is proposed to combine expert opinions with the actual construction of a residential building in Beijing and the construction of apartments and houses.
Photovoltaic conversion was enhanced by directly assemble of a network of single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) onto the surface of n-p junction silicon solar c
【内容摘要】问题导向是教师通过例子、情境、知识本身来引导学生自主发现问题,提出答案,获得解决,自主探究的科学化教学过程,通过多人合作,集思广益的讨论,在引导学生学习的过程中培养他们的交流能力等。  【关键词】问题导向 高中信息技术 学习活动 设计  所谓的问题导向教学,是一种以学生为主体,通过教师的引导,将学生的思维导向问题,让他们通过自主思考来发现问题,解决问题的过程。高中学段的学生由于已经有了
裂头拗(sparganum)是裂头条虫属(GenusDiphyllobothyium)条虫中的第二期幼虫(plero-cercoides)之通称。我国人体裂头蚴病最早之报告系 Manson 氏(1882年)在我国厦门进行尸检