2004年11月17日,150名进藏新兵踩着《解放军进行曲》的节拍,踏上了报效祖国的征程。 从受领征兵任务到欢送新兵上路的20多天时间里,云南省会泽县人武部干部职工心齐劲足,废寝忘食,一心扑在征兵工作上。前来指导工作的军分区司令员李云生感慨地说:“会泽县人武部之所以在这么短的时间内就很好地完成150名进藏新兵的征集任务,主要是因为扎实有效的思想政治建设凝聚了军心,激发了斗志。”
On November 17, 2004, 150 recruits from Tibet stepped on the beat of the “March of the People’s Liberation Army” and set foot on the journey to serve the motherland. From the task of receiving conscription to fostering new recruits on the road for more than 20 days, the cadres and workers of Huizize County People’s Armed Police Department in Yunnan Province worked hard and fulfilled their tasks in conscription. Li Yunsheng, commander of the military commander who came to guide the work, said with emotion: “The reason why Huize County People’s Armed Forces successfully completed the task of soliciting 150 recruits into Tibet in such a short period of time was mainly due to a solid and effective thinking Political construction unite military forces and inspire morale. ”