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近年来,在固定电话网发展处于下降趋势的情况下,武汉电信依托固定电话网大力发展数据宽带业务,采取建网络、抓应用、优服务、搞联合等策略,不断形成宽带业务新的启动点,营造良好的发展环境,打造宽带服务链,在武汉市形成了大规模、高速率、高安全、高效益宽带网络和快速增长的用户群体。从2002年5月全面启动宽带业务以来,用户数以300%的速度增长,到2002年底,武汉电信宽带用户已接近10万,当年净增用户超过7.5万户。今年元月又达到月增宽带用户8500的新纪录。与此同时,武汉电信数据业务收入不断上升,仅宽带2002年就增收6000万元,今年元月数据业务收入首次占武汉电信全业务收入比重10%以上,成为湖北电信业务发展的新亮点。 In recent years, with the development of fixed telephone network in a downward trend, Wuhan Telecom relies on the fixed telephone network to develop data broadband services and adopt strategies such as building networks, grasping applications, excellent services and engaging in joint operations to continuously form a new starting point for broadband services , Creating a good environment for development and building a broadband service chain. A large-scale, high-speed, high-security and cost-effective broadband network and a rapidly growing user base have been formed in Wuhan. Since the launch of broadband business in May 2002, the number of users has increased by 300%. By the end of 2002, the number of broadband subscribers in Wuhan Telecom has reached nearly 100,000, with a net increase of more than 75,000 subscribers. In January of this year, it reached a new record of 8,500 subscribers in the broadband market. At the same time, Wuhan Telecom data services revenue continued to rise, only broadband in 2002 on the increase of 60 million yuan in January this year, data services for the first time in Wuhan Telecom accounted for more than 10% of the total business revenue, a new bright spot in the development of telecommunications business in Hubei.
“和谐的课堂教学”应遵循积极培养学生的合作意识,努力激活学生的参与意识,运用好启发式的教学方法以及幽默的语言艺术等原则。各要素之间要紧密配合,相辅相成,相得益彰 “Harm
权威和公正的立场,不仅出于道义需求,也是传媒市场自身规律使然。 The authority and fairness stand not only for moral needs but also for the media market’s own law
据美国农业部(USDA)近日发布的数据显示,在2014~2015出口季(即2014年5月至2015年1月间),美国加利福尼亚州(以下简称加州)的鲜食葡萄出口量喜人,整季共出口了4 450万箱(每箱19