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国王年迈,准备将王位传给两个儿子中的一个。经过德、智、体、美、劳等多方面的比赛、测试,两个王子皆平分秋色、不相上下。这让国王很犯难。这时,外交大臣进言:“还需比一比勇气!”国王不解。外交大臣道:“以后继位的王子要出访众多国家需要常人没有的胆色和勇气。因此勇气至关重要!”又经过多轮讨论,最终选定九层高的宝塔作为比试勇气的官方地点。规定,谁要是敢从九层宝 The king was old and prepared to pass the throne to one of two sons. After the German, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor and other aspects of competitions, tests, the two princes are equally divided, comparable. This makes the king very guilty. At this time, the Foreign Minister went on to say: “More than courage!” The king did not understand. Minister of Foreign Affairs: “Courage will be of the utmost importance for princesses who will succeed in visiting many countries to visit many countries.” After many rounds of discussions, the nine-storey pagoda was finally selected as the courage to test Official location. Provisions, who should dare from nine layers treasure
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That old standby conversation opener between strangers may not cut it inBeijing right now. “Lovely weather we’re having,”is possibly the last opening line lo
Diaobingshan people are young and vigorous.But they benefi t a lot from the long history of city.During our interview,we were deeply impressed by this and found
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