Semitensor product based adaptive control for attitude tracking of spacecraft with unknown external

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yourwp
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This paper investigates the attitude tracking and disturbance rejection problem of rigid spacecraft.Using a new matrix product,i.e.,the semitensor product of matrices,the parameter uncertainties in the inertia matrix is isolated. Both the parameter uncertainties and the external disturbance are handled by robust adaptive control method.By combining the semitensor product of matrices,backstepping control methodology,and adaptive control technique,a new adaptive control law is designed.Simulation result is also presented to demonstrate the proposed design method. The paper investigates the attitude tracking and disturbance rejection of rigid spacecraft. Using a new matrix product, ie, the semitensor product of matrices, the parameter uncertainties in the inertia matrix is ​​isolated. Both the parameter uncertainties and the external disturbance are handled by robust adaptive control method.By combining the semitensor product of matrices, backstepping control methodology, and adaptive control technique, a new adaptive control law is designed. Simulation result is also presented to demonstrate the proposed design method.
旅行中,总免不了排队。既然有排队,就免不了插队。  排队插队,互为阴阳,相生相克。我对排队这个问题感兴趣,也是因为遇见了两个插队的中国大妈。  第一个是在泰国吃自助餐的时候遇到的。我当时已经是要饿疯的节奏,本着高素质人群的准则,我乖乖地排着队。好不容易快輪到我了,咔嚓,在我前面窜出来一个中国大妈,拿着盘子和夹子就是一顿捞。我没说话,看着她。她面不改色,就像什么事情都没有发生过一样。  你见过那种宠
铁道部部长近日说 ,本世纪前 2 0年 ,我国将在大城市间和主要通道建设客运专线及高速铁路 ,形成以高速铁路为龙头 ,以北京、上海、广州为中心的客运专线网。铁路部门将进一步
上帝在关上一扇门后,也会为你打开另一扇门。  当我还在游乐场嬉戏的时候,上帝的使者忽然告诉我,童年只能陪你到今天了,如果你还有什么割舍不下的,请你告诉我。他的话音刚落,我就觉得似乎这游乐场,不!是这世界变黑了。但是这黑到底淹没了什么连我自己也无法解释。我呆呆地坐在旋转的木马上,努力地告诉自己这只是梦,为什么要在我刚刚明白童年可贵的时候让我马上离去?到底是为什么?  也许是因为人在极度伤痛的时候容易