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为了贯彻华主席关于“抓纲治国”的指示,落实今年植保工作任务,促进农业生产大干快上,农林部农业局于三月下旬在北京召开了植保工作汇报会,参加会议的有二十八个省,市、自治区(西藏因时间急未通知)植保站长或负责人和供销总社、石化部、中国农林科学院、植保所、中国科学院北京动物研究所和西北、江苏两农学院的代表共四十三人。 会上学习了中共中央有关文件,大家联系实际,愤怒揭发声讨了“四人帮”篡党夺权、破坏农业学大寨的滔天罪行,畅谈了粉碎“四人帮”以后的全国大好形势,汇报了一九七五年全国植保会议以来工作进展情况,讨论了一九七七年植保工作任务。同志们满怀胜利的喜悦,表示要以革命加拚命的精神,努力战胜病虫灾害,为夺取粉碎“四人帮”后的第一个农业大丰收年做出新贡献。 In order to carry out Chairman Hua’s instructions on “grasping the country with the state governing the country,” fulfill the tasks of this year’s plant protection work and promote agricultural production, the Agriculture Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry held a briefing on plant protection work in Beijing in late March. Twenty Eight provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions (Tibet due to lack of time and urgency) plant protection chief or person in charge and the supply and marketing headquarters, the Ministry of Petrochemical Industry, Chinese Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Institute of Zoology and the Northwest, Jiangsu Agricultural College A total of 43 delegates. At the meeting, he studied relevant documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and linked people with practice. They angrily denounced the “Gang of Four” for usurping the party and power, destroying the monstrous crimes of learning Dazhai in agriculture and talked about the excellent situation in the country since the smashing of the “gang of four” Five years of progress since the National Plant Protection Conference, discussed the task of plant protection work in 1977. Comrades, full of the joy of victory, said that they should make every effort to defeat pests and diseases with a revolutionary and hard-working spirit and make new contributions to seizing the first harvest year of agriculture after the smashing of the “gang of four.”
在高中美术鉴赏课中,如果能巧妙地利用好学科综合,则可以大大开阔学生的艺术视野,加强美术与相关文化的联系,激发学生的兴趣。最终达到新课程标准的要求。 In high school a
艾滋病疫苗在深受HIV流行困扰的非洲地区开始临床使用。在乌干达艾滋病疫苗试用地,目前已确诊感染HIV的人数在乡村居民中已增至10%,在城市居民中增至25%。 这种疫苗是由金丝雀
目的 观察并比较小鼠树突状细胞 (DC)和巨噬细胞对外源性抗原的内吞路径的差异。方法 将小鼠骨髓DC和腹腔巨噬细胞与辣根过氧化物酶 (HRP) 5nm胶体金共孵育 10分钟后再培