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各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:农村电力是农村基础产业中的先行产业,是农村经济和社会发展的能源保障。我省农村办电30年来,取得了巨大成就。但是,目前农村集体电网存在着许多亟待解决的问题:一是设备健康水平低,安全性能差,一些地方用电得不到保障,人、畜触电伤亡事故时有发生,人民群众的生命财产安全受到威胁。二是电能损耗大,电费高,农民用电不合理负担重。三是体制不完善,管理水平低。不仅制约着农村经济和社会的发展,更难以适应农业产业化建设和实现“三大一强”目标对电力的需要。加快农村低压电网改造(以下简称“低改”)势在必行。因此,现就有关问题通知如下:一、任务目标和基本原则 People’s governments of cities, counties, and counties, offices of provincial government offices, and agencies directly subordinate to them: Rural power is the leading industry in rural basic industries, and is the energy guarantee for rural economic and social development. In the 30 years since the rural area of ​​our province established power, we have made great achievements. However, there are many problems that need to be solved urgently in the rural collective power grids. First, the health of the equipment is low and safety performance is poor. In some places, electricity is not guaranteed, and accidents caused by electric shocks to people and livestock occur from time to time. The lives and property of the people are safe. being threatened. The second is the large power loss, high electricity bills, and unreasonable burden on farmers’ electricity. Third, the system is imperfect and the management level is low. Not only does it restrict the development of the rural economy and society, but it is even more difficult to adapt to the industrialization of agriculture and realize the “three major ones” goal of the need for electricity. It is imperative to speed up the transformation of rural low-voltage power grids (hereinafter referred to as “low-level reforms”). Therefore, the relevant issues are hereby notified as follows: 1. Mission objectives and basic principles
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