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由于鸡的肠道较短,消化吸收能力差,鸡粪中残存的营养物质很多。鲜鸡粪中含干物质26.46%、灰分5.2%、脂肪0.96%、粗蛋白8.17%、纤维素3.86%、氮8.27%、磷0.50%、钾0.40%。干鸡粪中所含的营养物质与麸皮、玉米、麦类等饲料相似。所以,鸡粪是养鱼的好饲料。用鸡粪养鱼有两种方式。一是用鸡粪(经自然发酵)施入池塘,并配合饲喂麦麸、大麦、菜饼等混合饲料,撤在水面上供鱼摄食。每增重1kg鱼需要1.8kg混合料和4.8kg鲜鸡粪。二是收集鲜鸡粪后,用日晒方式进行干燥处理。有条件的场户,可将鲜鸡粪经70℃12小时、140℃1小时或者180℃半小时的加热处理进行干燥。干燥后的鸡粪,用粉碎机打碎,用来 Due to the shorter chicken intestine, digestion and absorption of poor, many of the remaining nutrients in chicken manure. Fresh chicken manure contains 26.46% of dry matter, ash 5.2%, fat 0.96%, crude protein 8.17%, cellulose 3.86%, nitrogen 8.27%, phosphorus 0.50%, potassium 0.40%. Dried chicken manure contained nutrients and bran, corn, wheat and other similar feed. Therefore, chicken manure is a good feed for fish. There are two ways to fish with chicken manure. One is to use chicken manure (by natural fermentation) into the pond, and with the feeding of wheat bran, barley, vegetable cakes and other mixed feed, withdrawal on the water for feeding. 1.8kg of mixture and 4.8kg of fresh chicken manure are required for each weight of 1kg of fish. Second, the collection of fresh chicken manure, with the sun drying method. Conditions of the field, fresh chicken manure can be 12 hours at 70 ℃, 140 ℃ for 1 hour or 180 ℃ for half an hour of heat treatment to dry. Dried chicken manure, broken with a crusher, used
一、细胞小片的制备 (一)细胞小片制备原则 1、取片部位制备细胞小片的取片部位限定为外套痕以外的边缘膜。即从前闭壳肌起一直到后闭壳肌背部的边缘壳翼膜。 2、细胞小片的
也许是本人出生在农村,读书少的缘故,在进入郑州大学后,与其他见多识广的同学相比,深感知识面窄。当时听老师说,知识在于积累,好脑子不如赖笔头。于是, Perhaps I was born