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元朝是中国历史上首个大一统的少数民族王朝。蒙古人入主中原后,元代的疆域空前扩大,各民族间的交往活动日益活跃。以蒙古族为代表的北方草原游牧文化与中原农业文化相互学习,掀起了蒙汉文化交流的高潮。众多才华横溢的蒙古族诗文作家,带着自己特有的民族气质和鲜活的艺术思维,登上中华民族的文坛,其汉文诗歌在中国文学史上占据着不可或缺的重要地位。本文选取了元代48位蒙古族作家的近体诗作为研究对象,作家分别为忽必烈、图帖睦尔、 The Yuan Dynasty was the first unified national minority dynasty in Chinese history. After the Mongols entered the Central Plains, the territory of the Yuan Dynasty expanded unprecedentedly and exchanges among various ethnic groups became increasingly active. The Mongolian nomadic culture in the northern grasslands and the Central Plains agricultural culture learn from each other, setting off a climax of cultural exchanges between the Mongolian and Han nationalities. Many talented Mongolian writers, with their own unique national temperament and fresh artistic thinking, boarded the literary world of the Chinese nation, whose Chinese poetry occupies an indispensable and important position in the history of Chinese literature. This article chooses the close-up poems of 48 Mongolian writers in the Yuan Dynasty as the object of study. The writers are Kublai Khudi,
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