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朱杰勤(1913—1990)先生是已故著名历史学家,祖籍广东顺德,曾任中国海外交通史研究会会长、中国东南亚研究会理事长、中国史学会常务理事、中外关系史学会名誉理事、中国华侨历史学会顾问、联合国教科文组织《人类科学文化发展史》中国编审委员会委员和中国社会科学院南亚研究所研究员,先后担任过暨南大学历史系、中山大学历史系和华南师范大学历史系教授等职。朱杰勤一生治学勤奋严谨,笔耕不辍,在美术史方面主要著作有《秦汉美术史》(广州崇德书社1935年版)《王羲之评传》(商务印书馆1940年版);在历史学方面主要著作有《中国古代史学史》《亚洲各国史》《东南亚华侨史》《中国和伊朗关系史稿》和《中外关系史论文集》等,译著有《十八世纪中国与欧洲文化的接触》,并主编“东南亚华侨史丛书”和“世界华侨史丛书”等。本文是朱杰勤先生在抗战时期的旧文,对民国以前的美术史学研究进行了较为系统的梳理和评价,具有很高的学术价值,至今读来仍发人深省。本辑将这品文章重新整理,以飨读者。 Zhu Jieqin (1913-1990) is a late famous historian with ancestral home in Shunde, Guangdong. He was the president of China Overseas Traffic History Research Association, chairman of China Southeast Asian Studies Association, standing director of Chinese History Society, honorary director of Sino-foreign Relations History Society, Chinese Overseas Chinese Historical Society consultant, UNESCO “Human Science and Culture History” Chinese editorial board member and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of South Asia researcher, has served as a history department of Jinan University, Department of History of Sun Yat-sen University and South China Normal University, Professor of History and other professors Post Zhu Jieqin life diligence rigorous rigorous work, penmanship ceaseless work, in the history of art major works include “Qin and Han Dynasty Art History” (Guangzhou Shunge’s 1935 edition) “Wang Xizhi” (Commercial Press 1940 edition); major works in history “ History of Ancient Chinese History ”“ History of Asian Countries ”“ History of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia ”“ History of the Relationship between China and Iran ”and“ History of Sino-foreign Relations Collection ”and so on, translated“ The eighteenth Century China and European culture, ”and editor Southeast Asian Chinese History Series “and” Overseas Chinese History Series "and so on. This article is the old essay written by Mr. Zhu Jieqin during the Anti-Japanese War, which systematically sorts and evaluates the art historiography in the Republic of China before. It is of high academic value and so far it is thought-provoking. This series of articles will be reorganized to readers.
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