This article reports 187 cases (223 side) of the knee meniscus CT diagnosis, 51 cases (57 sides of the knee) surgery control. We think the correct CT scan technique and familiarity with normal cross-sectional anatomy of the knee are the key to CT diagnosis of meniscus injury. Direct CT manifestations of meniscus tear are: (1) crevices in the meniscus; (2) reduced density of marginalized densities; (3) swelling of the meniscus with rough edges; (4) torn meniscus Debris shift; (5) the medial meniscus and medial collateral ligament separation. Indirect performance are: (1) surrounding soft tissue swelling; (2) thickening of the synovium; (3) intra-articular effusion. This group of surgical patients, 5 cases of false positives, 2 false negatives, this paper analyzed the causes.