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伟人邓小平逝世的噩耗传来,浦江呜咽,万众垂泪,1300万上海人民与天地同悲,深切缅怀他的丰功伟绩,目睹在邓小平同志关怀激励下上海的巨大变化,哀思如潮……1992年以采,上海人民在邓小平同志南巡讲话精神的鼓舞下,在党中央正确路线指引下,胜利完成各项任务,全面实现“一年变个样,三年大变样”的奋斗目标,取得了前所未有的伟大成就.这五年是上海改革开放与经济建设全面推进的时期,也是上海解放以来最好的发展时期之一.增长曲线构成“高位长平台 ”1992年至1996年五年中,上海完成国内生产总值累计达到9938.18亿元,比“七五”时期的规模扩大了2.2倍,从增长速度来看,1992年以来的五年中,国内生产总值的年平均增长速度为14.2%,高于八十年代平均增长幅度7.4个百分点.同期上海经济增长波动幅度趋于稳定,连续五年保持在13—14%的水平上,增长曲线构成了一个“高位长平台”. The news of the death of great man Deng Xiaoping came. Pujiang sobbed and weeping all over. 13 million people in Shanghai and the world shared the same sadness and profound memory of his great achievements. He witnessed the tremendous changes in Shanghai under the care and encouragement of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Inspired by the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour and under the guidance of the correct line of the Central Party Committee, the people of Shanghai have successfully fulfilled all their tasks and achieved the goal of “transforming everything into a year and making a big difference in three years” with unprecedented achievements The five years is Shanghai’s reform and opening up and economic construction in an all-round promotion of the period, but also since the liberation of Shanghai one of the best development period. Growth curve constitutes a “high platform” 1992 to 1996 in five years, Shanghai completed The gross domestic product (GDP) reached 993.818 billion yuan, an increase of 2.2 times that of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period. From the perspective of growth rate, in the five years since 1992, the average annual growth rate of GDP was 14.2% Which was 7.4 percentage points higher than the average growth rate in the 1980s. Over the same period, Shanghai’s economic growth tended to be stable and maintained at a level of 13-14% for five consecutive years. The growth curve constituted a “High long platform.”
[摘 要] 高职教育重在培养应用型人才。结合我院办学特色和本专业学生培养目标,探索总结出电视摄像实训课程教学改革的方法和途径。  [关 键 词] 电视摄像;实训课程;教学改革  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)01-0102-01  电视摄像实训课程是一门实践性很强的专业必修课,课程教学效果在一定程度上决定了影视专业学生的整体职业技能水平。
笔者从我省1900年至1984年85年间亡故的1000多位名老中医的传、表中查出有8位百岁者,可称齐鲁医坛八寿星。他们是: 潘楯,莒县潘家屯人(1808~1944),终年136岁,清末优增生,弃儒
他靠借来的200元台币起家他的经营要诀是“两权”彻底分离他是唯一见过邓小平的台湾实业巨头 He borrowed 200 NT dollars starting his business tactics is the “two rig
Aims: To test the effectiveness of a home based developmental education interv ention in improving outcome at 5 years for very preterm infants. Methods: The Av