
来源 :中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingmx
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目的:通过观察工作状态下脱险潜水服充气系统和气囊头罩压力变化,研究充气系统动态供气特性。方法:模拟加压舱以n 指数速率空气加压至设定压力n P1。n P1为0.2、0.7、1.1、1.6和2.1 MPa时,加压时间常数n b分别取30、20、10、7和4 s,记录加压过程中充气系统供气流量n Q、脱险潜水服气囊内相对压力Δn P、头罩内相对液位Δn Z,描述分析动态供气特征。n 结果:模拟加压舱加压到0.2 MPa时,供气流量n Q快速线性上升,线性斜率n K与b的关系为n K=747.81n b-0.26;随后n Q出现短暂的平台期,波动范围为0.9~3.1 kg/h,所处压力区间为0.2~0.4 MPa;此后,n Q随环境压力逐渐增加。气囊内相对压力Δn P的变化反映了n Q的调节过程,加压至0.15 MPa,Δn P急剧上升至最高值,此后随模拟加压舱压力升高,Δn P趋于稳定;加压设定压力n P1越大,Δn P越高,但始终保持在11~14 kPa之间,Δn P与n P1的函数关系为Δn P=n P10.088 4。头罩内相对液位Δn Z是充气系统供气的最终目标,Δn Z在加压过程中始终低于模拟加压舱水位,且随模拟加压舱压力升高而降低;Δn Z与气囊内相对压力Δn P相关,Δn P越大,同一深度下Δn Z越大。n 结论:脱险潜水服充气系统的供气流量能与模拟加压舱加压速率相适应,可自动调整供气量,无需手动操作,能提高脱险的安全性。“,”Objective:To study the dynamic air supply peculiarity of the inflation system, by observing the pressure changes of the inflation system, the airbag, and the hood in working mode.Methods:The pressurized chamber for simulation was pressurized to the setting pressure n P1 at an exponential rate of n . When setting the n P1 as 0.2 MPa, 0.7 MPa, 1.1 MPa, 1.6 MPa, and 2.1 MPa, the pressurization time constant n b was taken as 30 s, 20 s, 10 s, 7 s, and 4 s respectively. The air supply flow of the inflation system (n Q), the relative pressure in the airbag (Δn P) of the escape immersion suit, and the relative liquid level in the hood (Δn Z) were recorded during the pressurization process, for describing and analyzing the dynamic air supply peculiarity.n Results:When the pressure of the simulated pressurized chamber increased to 0.2 MPa, n Q increased rapidly and linearly. The functional relation between the linear slope k and b was n K=747.81n b-0.26; then a short plateau period of n Q appeared with the fluctuation range of 0.9-3.1 kg/h and the pressure range of 0.2-0.4 MPa; after that, n Q gradually increased as the environmental pressure increased. The change of the relative pressure in the airbag (Δn P) reflected the regulation process of n Q. When pressurized at 0.15 MPa, Δ n P increased sharply to the highest value, then it tended to be stable with the increase of the pressure in the simulated pressurized chamber; the higher the n P1 was set, the higher Δ n P became, but it always remained between 11 kPa and 14 kPa. The functional relation between Δ n P and n P1 was Δ n P=n P10.088 4. The relative liquid level in the hood (Δn Z) was the ultimate goal of the air supply of the inflation system. Δ n Z was always lower than the liquid level in the simulated pressurized chamber during the pressurization process, and decreased when the pressure of the chamber increased; Δ n Z was related to Δ n P, and the higher Δ n P was, the higher Δ n Z was, at the same depth.n Conclusion:The airflow of escape immersion suit′s inflation system can match the compress rate of simulated pressurized chamber, and the air supply can be adjusted automatically without manual operation, which can improve the safety of escape.
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