1844-1846 is a crucial period for the transformation of Marx’s and Engels’s philosophical positions and political positions. During this period, Marx put forward the viewpoint of practice and manifested it in his early works in the form of theory, that is, the “Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844”, the “Outline of Feuerbach” and the “German Ideology.” Among these three books, Marx and Engels clearly stated their view of practice and their change of philosophy, which provided ideological weapons and theoretical guidance for the liberation of the proletariat and even of mankind. The 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts is a book on which the concept of practice is formed. It focuses on the most basic forms of practice of material production, especially the “alienated labor”; the “Outline on Feuerbach” and the “ German Ideology ”together expressed the basic position and key points of the New World Outlook and enabled the practice viewpoint to be expanded and exerted. With the deepening understanding of the connotation, essence and function of “practice ”, the concept of practice has gradually become more comprehensive and scientific.