我们没想做梵高 电影玩家的影像素描

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电影诞生已过百年,从开始不登大雅之堂的“杂耍”到今天“第七艺术”的地位,电影已经由市民娱乐工具转变为一种独具魅力的艺术形式,它就像个近在咫尺又远在天边的女神,使一批又一批的艺术家们为之殚精竭虑、痛并快乐着。对城市平民来说,电影也许仅仅是娱乐、是茶余话题、是心头所好,甚至是精神伴侣,但怎么都超越不了“看”和“说”的层面。然而偏有一小部分人,他们喜欢玩电影。准确地说,他们亲身参与电影制作过程,尽管尚未打算以此赚钱。也许有人会笑这些小青年哗众取宠,如今就数五花八门的恶搞多,“玩”的人忒多!更何况电影,DV短片也早已是明日黄花,大学生、小白领,会玩几下的都用影像来记录生活,自娱自乐之余还上传到网站博众人一笑。可是,他们不一样。如果你用不屑的语气来谈论他们,这些年轻人也许会跟你急:hey!我们可是玩真的! The film has been around for over a hundred years. From “vaudevill”, which was unworthy of its beginning, to “seventh art” today, the film has been transformed from a civic entertainment tool into a uniquely attractive art form, The Goddess at hand and far away in the sky, so that after another batch of artists who worked hard, pain and happiness. For urban civilians, the film may be just entertainment, is the topic of tea, heart, or even spiritual partner, but how can not go beyond the “look” and “say” level. However, a small number of people, they like to play movies. To be precise, they are personally involved in the filmmaking process, though not yet intending to make money. Perhaps some people will laugh at these young people grandstanding, now a wide variety of spoof, “play” Intuit people! Not to mention the movie, DV video has long been the yellow flower, college students, white-collar workers, will play a few with the image to Record life, entertain themselves while also uploaded to the site Bo all smile. However, they are different. If you talk about them with disdain, these young people may be in a hurry with you: hey! We’re playing real!
2007年的第一个周末,中国体操队资深教练、女队教练组组长陆善真应邀为浙江体操队作指导。他这次来到浙江比任何一次都来得激动,他说:“浙江 On the first weekend of 2007,
经连续 8年的改接换种试验 ,野生杨梅采取接后遮荫 ,防护、抹芽、立支柱、摘心和肥水管理、病虫害防治及应用疏花剂等措施可减少杨梅大小年 ,从而获得较明显的经济效益。试验
历史有正史野史之分,名望有虚名实名之别。人民心中明镜高悬。粟裕伯伯华夏古今第一将地位无可替代!特赋小诗一首: History has a history of history unofficial, fame and