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1.西梅脱是近年(1954年)合成的毒性强烈的有机磷内吸杀虫药剂,并有胃毒、触杀、熏蒸等杀虫作用。作者于1958—1959年对于应用西梅脱剂处理小麦、玉米、粟等作物种子防治蝼蛄问题,进行了一些新的探讨性研究,曾在窒内和田间初步观察研究了药害、药效、残效、杀虫作用等问题。 2.西梅脱剂处理小麦、玉米、粟种子防治蝼蛄有良好的效果,窒内毒杀试验证明,经8天试虫死亡达90%,对照无死亡;在几处田间试验中,折1亩拾到死蝼蛄5—55头不等,同时见到杀虫效果迅速,击倒力强。在将药剂处理过的种子播于地下后,经1天即可,毒死当时存有的大部分蝼蛄。药效的持续时间也相当长,可在播种后30天内陆续在地面见到被毒死的蝼蛄和金龟(虫甲)(成虫)、蛴螬、拟地(虫甲)等地下害虫。 3.防治蝼蛄以应用活性炭粉剂拌种为佳,使用简便不易发生药害,但应用乳剂浸种亦可。关于杀虫有效而对作物又安全的用药量或浓度:用50%粉剂拌种,冬小麦1—2%、玉米、粟1%的用药量;用乳剂浸种时,菜为0.25%,玉米0.5%的有效浓度液,浸种用药液量可为种子容积的1/2左右。作者认为这一处理种子防治蝼蛄的方法,可以在生产中试用、示范、逐步推广。 4.西梅脱处理作物种子,对蝼蛄的毒杀作用,经观察分析,初步了解到主要是胃毒作用及触杀作用,其次是有相当? 1. 西梅 off in recent years (1954) synthesized toxic organic phosphorus insecticide, and stomach poisoning, contact kill, fumigation and other insecticidal effect. In 1958-1959, the authors carried out some new exploratory studies on the application of cortex dexterol to the seed control of wheat, corn and millet. In the first study, the effects of phytotoxicity, Residual effect, insecticidal effect and other issues. Cinnamomum off-treated wheat, corn, millet seed control 蝼 蛄 have good results, asphyxiation toxicity test proved that after 8 days of test-tube death rate of 90%, the control did not die; in several field trials, the fold 1 Acre picked up to die from 5-55 dead 蝼 头 ranging from the same time, to see the rapid insecticidal effect, strong knockout. After the pesticide-treated seeds were sown in the ground, most of the 蝼 当 existed at the time were poisoned after 1 day. Efficacy of the duration is also quite long, 30 days after sowing in the ground to see the poisoned deadly 蝼 蛄 and beetles (insect) (adult), 蛴 螬, to ground (insect) and other underground pests. 3. Prevention 蝼 蛄 to use activated carbon powder dressing is better, easy to use is not prone to injury, but the application of emulsion soaking can also. Dosage or concentration that is effective against insecticides and safe to crops: dressing with 50% powder, 1-2% winter wheat, 1% corn and millet; when soaking in emulsion, vegetable is 0.25%, corn 0.5% The effective concentration of liquid seed soaking liquid volume can be about 1/2 of the seed. The author believes that this method of dealing with seed control measures can be tried, demonstrated and gradually promoted in production. Syrup off the crop seeds, poisonous effect on the grubs, the observation and analysis, initially learned that the main role of gastric toxicity and contact toxicity, followed by a considerable?
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