
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:color5188
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试验结果表明,太湖地区稻麦两熟制水稻产量与施氮量呈二次曲线关系,可用方程y=-0.00002x2+0.0095x+9.0384(r=0.993**)来描述,当施氮量为237.5kg/hm2时,可获得最高理论产量10.17t/hm2。不同生育时期植株的干物质积累量和氮素的积累量都随着施氮水平的增加而增大;氮肥表观利用率、生理利用率和农学利用率都随着施氮量的增加而降低;高肥处理432kg/hm2和540kg/hm2成熟期植株干物质积累量和氮素的积累量都较高,但因大量氮素滞留在茎鞘中而导致产量不高。土壤各层全氮含量随着深度的增加而减小;随着施氮量的增加,0~60cm各层土壤全氮含量增大,而60~100cm各层变化趋势不明显;但当施氮量较高(大于324kg/hm2)时,土壤氮素累积与下渗,土壤各层全氮含量提高,易造成氮肥奢侈吸收与氮肥污染。 The results showed that the yield and nitrogen application rate of rice and wheat double cropping rice in Taihu Lake area was quadratic curve and could be described by the equation y = -0.00002x2 + 0.0095x + 9.0384 (r = 0.993 **) 237.5kg / hm2, the maximum theoretical yield of 10.17t / hm2 can be obtained. The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen accumulation of plants at different growth stages both increased with the increasing of nitrogen application rate. Apparent utilization rate, physiological utilization rate and agronomic utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer all decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate The dry matter accumulation and nitrogen accumulation of 432 kg / hm2 and 540 kg / hm2 at high maturity were high, but the yield was low due to the large amount of nitrogen residing in the stem and sheath. The content of total nitrogen in all layers of soil decreased with the increase of depth. With the increase of nitrogen application, the content of total nitrogen in all layers increased from 0 to 60 cm, while the change trend of layers from 60 cm to 100 cm was not obvious. The soil nitrogen accumulation and infiltration were higher (more than 324 kg / hm2), and the content of total nitrogen in soil layers increased, which could easily lead to extravagant absorption of nitrogen fertilizer and nitrogen pollution.
从常规粳稻常优94后代中筛选到一份自然突变的抽穗期延迟的类树稻突变体lhd3(leafy head 3).在短日照条件下,与野生型比较,lhd3突变体在生长后期,上部节间会继续长出叶片(一
[目的]研究上海地区番茄黄化曲叶病毒侵染对番茄叶片解剖结构和保护酶系统的影响.[方法] 采用石蜡切片法观察番茄感病叶片和正常叶片的解剖结构并进行比较;测定病毒感染后番
采用柱层析方法从银杏叶内生真菌Chaetomium globosum ZY-22的培养菌丝体提取物中分离得到脑苷脂B(1)、脑苷脂C(2)、尿囊素(3)、9(11)-去氢麦角甾醇过氧化物(4)以及4,6,8,22-