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2006年9月20日,由中国纺织工业协会新闻中心、中国纺织工业协会传媒中心联合主办,中国服装协会、上海世贸商城协办的“中纺圆桌·国际商务论坛”在上海世贸商城举行,来自国家相关政府及研究部门、行业协会、产业集群代表、国外采购商、国内生产商以及国内外媒体代表共200多人出席了会议。本次论坛的主题为“跨国采购与社会责任——构建负责任的供应链”。中国服装外贸出口额不断扩大,全球服装供应链不断完善,对企业的社会责任的要求也越来越高。在这样的背景下,本次论坛探讨了跨国采购与企业社会责任作为供应链系统的重要内容以及相互关系,促进中国服装企业更好地融入国际产业链和供应链,规范市场秩序,以适应经济全球化的需要;同时,加强与国际采购商的沟通,提升中国纺织工业的整体形象,共创良好的贸易环境和平台。本次论坛邀请了众多业界权威人士发言,共同深入探讨跨国采购、企业社会责任与供应链等方面的问题,并达成了一致的共识,对促进中国纺织服装企业更好地融进国际产业链与供应链,规范市场秩序,以适应全球经济一体化的需要,产生了良好的作用。同时,也让国际产业界进一步了解中国业界对企业社会责任的态度和目前正在进行的工作。论坛主持人、《中国纺织》总编辑孙淮滨先生指出,在中国服装跨国采购交易会的召开期间,举办主题为跨国采购与企业社会责任的论坛,让来自政府、学术界、企业界的代表进行自由交流和探讨,具有重要的现实意义,这个主题不仅仅和跨国采购有着直接的关系,而且对于纺织行业的自律也有将产生重要的影响。 On September 20, 2006, “China Roundtable International Business Forum” co-sponsored by China Textile Industry Association Press Center and China Textile Industry Association Media Center, co-organized by China National Garment Association and Shanghai Mart, was held in Shanghai Mart, More than 200 representatives from relevant government and research departments, industry associations, industrial cluster representatives, foreign buyers, domestic producers and domestic and foreign media representatives attended the meeting. The theme of this forum is “Transnational Procurement and Social Responsibility - Building a Responsible Supply Chain.” China’s garment exports continue to expand, the global apparel supply chain continues to improve, the corporate social responsibility requirements are also getting higher and higher. Against this backdrop, this forum explored cross-border sourcing and CSR as an important part of the supply chain system and their interrelationships to promote Chinese garment enterprises to better integrate into the international industrial chain and supply chain, standardize market order and adapt to the economy Global needs; the same time, strengthen communication with international buyers, enhance the overall image of China’s textile industry and create a good trading environment and platform. This forum invited many industry insiders to make speeches to jointly discuss in depth issues such as cross-border sourcing, corporate social responsibility and supply chain, and reached a consensus on how to promote China’s textile and clothing enterprises to better integrate into the international industrial chain and Supply chain, standardize the market order, in order to adapt to the needs of global economic integration, has played a good role. At the same time, it also allows the international industry to further understand the Chinese industry’s attitude towards corporate social responsibility and the ongoing work. Forum moderator, editor-in-chief of “China Textile” Mr. Sun Huaibin pointed out that during the holding of the China Apparel Cross-border Sourcing Fair, a forum on the subject of cross-border sourcing and corporate social responsibility was held so that representatives from the government, academia and enterprises could freely The exchange and discussion are of great practical significance. The theme is not only directly related to cross-border procurement, but also has an important impact on the self-regulation of the textile industry.
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