2014 Business Days

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2014年剩下的日子不多,想一想,这一年过得如何?身处公司“员工海洋”中的你有没有幸福地早睡早起?或者是在忙碌与压力下感受到一丝迷茫与困顿?也许此刻你正在创业的煎熬之中,那种形势逼人的紧迫与刺激远远超过了寒冬里面的一次冷水淋浴。当然,有些小伙伴还在纠结着年终报告的事情,或许更难写的是给自己的那一份。可能是大家更加善于遗忘,很多发生在2014年,并且本该让大家能够深印脑海的事情,却在短短的时间里面平静得像湖水一样。比如,你还记得今年夏天的内马尔吗?火爆的双十一也冲淡大家对阿里上市时马云意气风发的印象。这也应该算是一种进步,有时进步只会用一种让人习惯和舒适的方式,甚至让你难以觉察。它会告诉你,那个夏天已经过去,即使你很用力地去抓住它,也会像手中的细沙一样轻轻地离去。你需要品味的,就是它离去时在你身上留下的感触。 There are not many days left in 2014, but how do you think this year has passed? Have you ever had a good night’s sleep and early morning in your company’s employees’ ocean? Or you have felt a bit of hustle and stress. Confusion and hardship? Perhaps at the moment you are in the business of suffering, the pressing pressure and excitement of the situation is far more than a cold shower in the cold winter. Of course, some small partners are still tangling up with the year-end report. Perhaps it is more difficult to write the one for themselves. It may be that everyone is better at forgetting. Many happened in 2014, and it should be possible for everyone to have a deep impression on their minds. However, in a short period of time, it is as calm as a lake. For example, do you remember Neymar this summer? The hot double 11 also dilutes everyone’s impression of Ma’s ups and downs when Ali is listed. This should also be considered a kind of progress. Sometimes, progress will only be used in a way that makes people feel comfortable and comfortable. It may even make you harder to notice. It will tell you that the summer is over. Even if you try to grasp it, you will leave gently as the fine sand in your hands. What you need to taste is what it left on you when you left.
[问][411]在《英语阅读教程》(韩志先等主编,高等教育出版社出版)第八单元TEXT31中,美国的西部表演团演出结束后,法国人民赠送给神枪手安妮一个silver loving cup。40年后,
Every living thing has a physical boundary that separates it from its ex-ternal environment. Beginning with the bacteria(细菌) and the simple cell and ending wi
欧盟委员会2003年颁布,2005年实施的《关于报废电子电气设备指令》 (WEEE)和2006年实施的《关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》 (RoHS),给我国电子制造业带来了
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