通过对中越边境北仑河口地区我国一侧表层和钻孔沉积硅藻的鉴定和研究,在该地区首次发现了卡氏缝舟藻(Rhaphoneis castracanei)的4个新变种和双角缝舟藻四角形变种(Rhaphoneis amphiceros var.tetragona)的1个新变形,为沿岸和潮间带古环境研究如海平面变化和河口地区盐度的变化等提供新的基础材料。
Four new varieties of Rhaphoneis castracanei and four kinds of tetraploid Acipenser halodendron were found in this area through the identification and study of surface sediment and borehole diatoms in the Beilun estuary area of China-Vietnam border. (Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. Tetragona) a new deformation for coastal and intertidal paleoenvironmental studies such as sea level changes and estuarine salinity changes provide new basic materials.