我县位于内蒙古自治区的后山东半部,是一个海拔1,200米以上,气温低,无霜期仅110天左右的高寒区。切根虫在我地是为害农作物的主要地下害虫之一,经1971—1974年调查,中国科学院北京动物研究所协助鉴定,初步搞清了有以下种类: 发生量大且对亚麻危害严重的有:白边切根虫Euxoa oberthurt(Leech)、黑翅切根虫E.birivia(Schiff)。 在豆类作物区发现或有为害史的有:宽翅地老虎Naenia contaminata(Wlk.)、三叉切根虫Euxoa trifurca(Ev.)、白肩切根虫E.corticea(Schill.)。 已经发现成虫、幼虫寄主尚待查清的有:警纹夜蛾Euxoa exclamattioniss(L.)、彗星切根虫E.duostgna Hampson、西伯利亚地老虎E.sibirica(Boisduval)。
My county is located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Shandong Province after the half, is an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level, low temperature, frost-free period of only about 110 days in the alpine zone. The root-knot worms are one of the main underground pests that damage crops in our country. After investigation from 1971 to 1974, the Beijing Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences assisted in the identification of the following species: the occurrence of large and serious damage to flax : Euxoa oberthurt (Leech), E. birivia (Schiff). Among the legumes found in the legumes are Naenia contaminata (Wlk.), Euxoa trifurca (Ev.), E. corticea (Schill.). It has been found that adult and larval hosts are yet to be identified: Euxoa exclamattioniss (L.), E. duostgna Hampson, E.sibirica (Boisduval).