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  Changes Affecting Antarctica
  The Antarctic is a landmass the size of Europe and the USA put together that surrounds the South Pole. Over 99 per cent of the Antarctic is covered in a thick ice cap, in some places as thick as 4,700 m. 40 per cent of the present ice cap covers water. In addition, the continent doubles in size each winter when the surrounding seawater freezes.
  The Antarctic has always been good for doing scientific experiments because it is one of the few places in the world which still has a relatively unpolluted environment.
  During the past 60 years of global warming, the Antarctic peninsula (半岛) has warmed by 2.5 degrees centigrade—faster than anywhere else in the world. Owing to the harsh conditions, few land species of wildlife live in Antarctica. Those which do survive there have adapted to very cold conditions. They are most at risk from the changes that a warmer Antarctic is bringing. If global warming is causing the Antarctic to melt, this could cause a worldwide catastrophe (大災难). If it melted completely, it would raise the sea level by more than 70 meters. Warmer temperatures can be unwelcome news for other life forms, however, particularly the penguins. The warmer weather has made it more difficult for them to bring up young, as they nest in high rocks that do not trap snow or water during the yearly ice meltdown.
  Paid in Full with a Glass of Milk
  A poor boy was selling goods from one door to another to pay for his studies. One day he found that he had only one dime left, and he was hungry. While approaching the next house, he decided to ask for a meal.
  But when a young woman has opened the door, he only dared to ask for a glass of water. She looked at him and understood that probably the boy is hungry. So she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it and then asked how much he owed her. The woman replied: “You dont own me anything. Mother taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he said and felt that now is stronger not only physically, but his faith in God has grown as well. The boys name was Howard Kelly.
  Many years have passed. One day that woman became seriously ill. Local doctors could not help her. Therefore they sent her to a big city, where her rare disease would be studied by specialists. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he entered her room in the hospital, he immediately recognized the woman, that showed kindness to him, when he was poor. The doctor was determined to do his best to help her recover from her disease.   The struggle was long, but together they managed to overcome her illness. After some time the woman received a bill for her treatment. She was worried that the amount to pay would be so significant, that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it. Finally, when the woman looked at the bill, she noticed words that were written on the side of the bill. The words were: Paid in full with a glass of milk.
  Song to a Herdsmans Son
  By Hone Tuwhare
  Take me Westward, horse. Follow
  The Sun. Race to the top of
  the hill. Face the Sun.
  My fast horse: my strong horse,
  Youre invincible. Dont let the Sun
  set. Hurdle.
  the Oceans, horse. Encircle the Earth. Let me embrace the Worlds
  People: follow the Sun.
  But get me back in time
  to make my father, my mother,
  fragrant breakfast-cups of salted
  tea with millet—a glass of
  hot milk for my baby sister.
  注: invincible 不可战胜的;hurdle跳过;fragrant芳香的
  1. 紧扣主题,语句通顺,格式正确,内容完整,思想、情感、态度积极向上;
  2. 字迹清楚、整洁;
  3. 正确使用标点符号;
  4. 词数:不少于120词;
  5. 征文要求参赛者用钢笔、中性笔或碳素笔在专用作文纸(附件4)上书寫。
  (全国中学生英语作文大赛组委会办公室   提供)
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